
Day_93: Natural disasters in Thailand – National Disaster Risk Assessement Mapping

Day_18 mentioned, “More must be done to fight climate change” (Bangkok Post)

The national risk assessment mapping in Thailand is briefly explained below.

Table 1  Disaster data in Thailand
The target period of these EM-DAT data is from 1900 to 2014. However, the large numbers of deaths, affected people, and damage costs caused by natural disasters are all after the 1970s, as shown in Table 1. The data clarify that the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and the 2011 Chao Phraya River flood disasters have been very influential in Thailand.

Figure 1 National Risk Assessment Mapping in Thailand

Figure 1 was created using EM-DAT data from Thailand (1900-2014). This risk assessment mapping (Frequency-Impact by each damage type) is very simple, but it allows us to easily grasp the whole picture of the risks.

The following risk matrix options help evaluate each risk.
Figure 2 Risk matrix options (1)

Figure 3 Risk matrix options (2)

From Figure 1, it is clear that the flood is the disaster that requires the most countermeasures in Thailand. Figures 2 and 3, for example, show that extensive management and monitoring are essential, and immediate action must be taken against the floods.

The above explanations are very rough. Detailed descriptions will be discussed later.

The above was already published with explanations as a report for the Japanese Association for Earthquake and Engineering (JAEE).

Day_65 : 1991 Unzen Fugendake Volcano Eruption

1991 Unzen Fugendake Volcano Eruption Killed 43 people. This disaster has taught a lot of lessons. The key words are media, volunteer firefighters, police officers, and an evacuation area. The people were all dead in the evacuation area. During the volcano eruption, media people tried to get into the area to shoot pictures, videos, and report. They went into the local people’s houses. The residents were worried about their belongings in their houses. So many volunteer firefighters (12) also went into the area to check, and police officer (2) also did that. The taxi drivers (4) bring them into the area. They all died in the area. Katia Krafft and Maurice Krafft, world’s famous French volcanologists were also dead during the disaster.


Wikipedia (Katia and Maurice Krafft)

Wikipedia (Unzen Fugendake Pyroclastic flow, Japanese)

Day_87 : North and Central Americas – Mt. St.Helens and Mt.Pelee

1. Volcanic Disasters

North America
Mount St.Helens erupted in 1980. Fifty-seven people were dead.
St. Helen’s volcanic eruption was massive. You can see this from the following video.


From environmental and sociological perspectives, the difference between the U.S. and Japan is the people’s and nature’s relationships. This case indicated that somehow. The people are living far from nature, on Mt.Helens. That is why the fatality rate was not so high compared to the enormous eruption. In Japan, people tend to live near and with nature. This is called “Satoyama” in Japanese. Other Asian countries are the same as Japan.
This will be discussed later.

Mount Pelee
St.Pierre City was eradicated in 1902 by Mt. Plee’s eruption.
The population of the city was approx. 28000; almost all were dead, only two survived. One of the only two survivors was in prison. The story can be seen in the following video.

2. Climate, meteorological, and hydrological disasters: Hurricanes

North America
In 1900, Galveston’s death toll was over 6,000
2005 Katrina, the death toll was over 1400, and the cost was $100 billion. UDS
In 1998, Mitch reported that 13,700 people were victimized in Honduras and 3,300 in Nicaragua
Hurricane Jeanne,  2800 were killed in Haiti

Disaster data, such as the death toll, is sourced from the NIED DIL homepage.

Day_58: Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) and Kobe Earthquake

ADRC is established in 1998 after the Kobe Earthquake. Kobe city’s population had caught up the same level before the disaster in 9 years. Kobe reinvents itself as a center of disaster reduction policies and activities in the world. There are so many disaster-related organizations in HAT Kobe. The HAT means “Happy and Active” and also “surprised” in Japanese. This is a good example to refer to for the disaster recovery process. We can learn the lessons from Kobe. ADRC contributes to disaster reduction policies and activities for member countries in Asia. We can check member countries disaster management systems, country reports, and others. We can also confirm the updated disasters on the ADRC’s website.

*ADRC member countries information site.

** Disaster Information

Day_129 : Natural Disasters in China (1) – Two Earthquake Disasters


The overviews of Natural Disasters in China are the followings:

1) Death numbers
Source: EM-DAT

2) Affected numbers
Source: EM-DAT

3) Damage costs
Source: EM-DAT

Natural disasters in China are very large scales, reflecting country’s population and geographical size. Also, we need to know that China has a rapidly growing economy. We can confirm the normal historical trends of natural disasters, from human sufferings to economic damages, which this note already mentioned (Day 77). For instance, the top 10 deadliest natural disasters in China are all before 1970s. On the contrary, the top 10 costliest natural disasters in China all occurred after 1990s.

Two Earthquakes
Yang Zhang William Drake et al. (2016)* indicate interesting views on two earthquake disaster recoveries: the 1976 Tangshan earthquake and the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. The point is why the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake recovery was so rapid compared to the 1976 earthquake.
However, the paper could add the total background changes in China, such as the economy and politics. China has changed dramatically since 1976, from historical viewpoints.

A comparison of the two earthquakes will be explained.

Yang Zhang William Drake et al. (2016), Disaster Recovery Planning after Two Catastrophes: The 1976 Tangshan Earthquake and the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 34(2):174–200.

Day_203 : Distant Tsunamis Triggered by Massive Earthquakes: The 1960 Chilean Earthquake and the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

On the early morning of May 23, 1960, a massive earthquake, the largest ever recorded with a magnitude of 9.5, struck southern Chile. This earthquake unleashed a tsunami that swiftly crossed the Pacific Ocean, reaching the Japanese coast about 22.5 hours later. The tsunami, which surged up to 8 meters high, resulted in 139 deaths and caused the destruction or displacement of 2,830 buildings across Japan. Due to the geographical position of Chile opposite Japan, the tsunami’s impact was more pronounced upon reaching the Japanese shores. These distant tsunamis are particularly challenging to forecast since they occur without the preliminary tremors typically associated with earthquakes. Consequently, regions prone to seismic activity, particularly around the Pacific, including Hawaii, have established early warning systems.

Day_168 : Past Interview Records – PTWC (Pacific Tsunami Warning Center) in Hawaii (1)


In 2004, the Indian Ocean was struck by another significant earthquake, which triggered a devastating tsunami. At that time, the absence of a tsunami warning system in the Indian Ocean contributed to a staggering death toll of 300,000. The effectiveness of tsunami warnings is limited by their ability to reach extensive coastal areas promptly. Therefore, it is crucial for residents to be aware of their local environmental characteristics and rely on personal judgment and preparedness to mitigate the risks posed by tsunamis.

Day_41: disaster vulnerabilities by regions

I just used 1980–2008 natural disaster data (ADRC 2009) and calculated the numbers of fatalities divided by the number of disasters to know the vulnerabilities. The regions mean Asia, the Americas, Africa, Europe, and Oceania.

The following is the order. Sorry, just order; however, we can learn something from the order.

The number of fatalities
1. Asia
2. Americas
3. Africa
4. Europe
5. Oceania

The number of fatalities divided by the numbers of disasters
1. Asia
2. Africa
3. Oceania
3. Americas
4. Europe

The above indicates the vulnerabilities of regions. For example, people in Africa tend to die easily by natural disasters; on the contrary, people in America tend not.

Day_60 : 1988 Landslide disaster in Thailand

1988 The landslide disaster was the turning point in Thai society. The major landslide hit Nakhon Si Thammarat province in the south of Thailand, and the number of casualties was approximately 230. This is assumed to be caused by deforestation. After recognizing the situation, the King talked to the people in Thailand about protecting the environment on December 4, 1989. This became a trigger to facilitate environmental policy and movement in Thailand. In 1992, environment-related agencies, organizations, funds, and others were established. This is the same year as the UN Earth Summit.

Day_164 : Development Environment Disaster Cycle Model

As mentioned before in Day_56, it is clear the model, development-environment-disaster cycle model is an analyzer that can be considered in a wide range of areas. In other words, this analysis perspective raises the sociological position of natural disasters, and the stepping stone of their historical and geographical connections become clearer. We believe that it will even be possible to provide various perspectives to prevent it from being guided.

Analytical Viewing Angle by Causal Cycle Model: Case of Isewan Typhoon Disaster and Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster

In this section, Isewan typhoon disaster and Indian Ocean tsunami disaster are specifically analyzed using the analysis view angle, the causal cycle model of development, environment, and disaster. The first is the Isewan Typhoon that hit Nagoya on September 26, 1959. The disaster was a turning point of disaster management in postwar Japan, but focusing on driftwood damage, which is one of the important aspects of the disaster, the economic recovery of postwar Japan, trade with the United States, and Japan. Forest management, natural disasters such as landslides, the problem of hay fever, which is also called national illness, and the inter-relationship between deforestation and natural disasters in the Philippines, which becomes today, will become clear. Second, regarding the Indian Ocean Tsunami that caused enormous damage on December 26, 2004, mainly in the countries around the Indian Ocean, the damage in Thailand will be analyzed. This analysis reveals the development-environment-disaster in Thailand and its relationship with Japan and Western countries.

The figures are shown as follows:

Figure 1: Interconnections of Typhoon Isewan Disaster

Figure 2: Interconnections of Indian Ocean Tsunami Disasters in Thailand

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Day_162: Disaster Links Library

As mentioned below, the Disaster Links Library has been created. The first draft is attached to this menu as “Disaster Links Library”. There are still many challenges ahead, however, the page will be completed step by step with adding more info.

If you have some excellent links, please let me know.

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