
Day_30 (rev): The two main gaps


There are two main gaps among experts, local disaster managers, and local people. The first is a perspective gap; experts usually have a different point of view on disaster risk reductions based on their specialty. Disaster managers have a management point of view. The local people tend to have a view based on their daily lives. The other gap is the knowledge gap. Each has a different level of knowledge.

These two gaps keep them from conducting the work for effective disaster risk reduction in a local community.

Once I learned the definition of “expert,” as follows:. This definition definitely gives me some insights.

The expert is the persons who knows more and more about less and less


Day_60 : 1988 Landslide disaster in Thailand

1988 The landslide disaster was the turning point in Thai society. The major landslide hit Nakhon Si Thammarat province in the south of Thailand, and the number of casualties was approximately 230. This is assumed to be caused by deforestation. After recognizing the situation, the King talked to the people in Thailand about protecting the environment on December 4, 1989. This became a trigger to facilitate environmental policy and movement in Thailand. In 1992, environment-related agencies, organizations, funds, and others were established. This is the same year as the UN Earth Summit.

Day_146 (Rev): A Text Mining : Trends of disaster research on aging

Have just conducted a text mining as follows:

Overviews of the Literature concerning elderly and disasters by text mining.
1. Search the keywords in Web of Science (Core Collection)
2. Selected Information (Titles and Abstracts) was gathered into one text file.
3.1st contents analysis has been carried out and omitted the unnecessary words.
4. Cleaning process
5. 2nd contents analysis has been carried out. >>This process was repeated
6. Research findings are examined.
7. Examine the extracted words and phrases by reaching to the original abstracts and original papers.

*To do the text mining, KH Corder was used.

Table 1 Keywords


Co-occurrence network_elderly
Figure 1 A co-occurrence network analysis

Table 2  The hit numbers with disaster management cycles’ stages

disaster management cycle elderly

Table 2 indicates that elderly issues on disasters are more discussed in relation to “response” and “preparedness” than “recovery” and “mitigation” in the disaster management cycles’ stage.

correspond analysis elderly
Figure2 Correspond analysis (The related words with disaster management cycles’ stages)

For example, Figure 2 suggests the close relationship between response and related words such as planning, management, medical, evacuation, vulnerability, and patient. This suggests the elderly’s difficulties for evacuation because of their physical conditions.

**This article is a revised version of Day_26(rev)


Collection and Analysis of Overseas Disaster Evacuation Related Papers and Documents(in Japanese)

Day_145: Past Columns (in Japanese)

Past columns will be updated both in Japanese and English.

My past Japanese writings for an internet newspaper company and the research map researcher’s blog (Japan Science and Technology Agency’s site) can be checked in the following, but the article of the news company is not free and is not in English or Japanese.


Day_59 : Lessons from a Japanese environmental movement

The UN emphasis the importance of building a bridge between science and policy*. The Mishima Numazu and Shimizu (MNS) environmental movement in 1963-1964 is really really turning point in Japan. After the movement, the Japanese environmental movement was spreading out all over Japan. Establishing the Japanese Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Law was delayed because of this movement. The core story related to science and policy is the conflict between the governmental EIA research group and the local EIA group. The government group used high-tech machines and money, but the local research group used high school students, local people, and local knowledge. For example, the government group did research by using a helicopter to check the wind direction, on the other hand, the local group used a carp-shaped streamer for examining the direction around the 5th of May in 1963. Japanese people usually raise carp-shaped streamers in front of the house to celebrate their children’s prosperity. Finally, local people, including farmers and fishermen studied hard to recognize the environmental impacts of their living areas and chose the local research group results.


Day_42: 人口と災害【3】:人口研究とアジア[Japanese]


William Donner and Havidan Rodriguez(2008)は、気候変動より、人口変動による将来の自然災害によるリスクの重要性を指摘している。現実問題として、将来の気候変動による災害に対する影響などは、IPCCなどの主導による研究に代表されるように多くの研究成果が主に自然科学者などにより実施されているが、人口の変動による将来の災害に対する影響の研究は、指標研究を含めてほとんど語られていないのが現状であり、課題となっている。


Munich Re(ミュンヘン再保険会社)によるデータによれば、1980年から2014年における、アジア、アフリカ、北・中央アメリカ、南アメリカ、オーストラリア/オセアニアに分類した世界全体の地域別自然災害のうち、アジアの占める割り合いは、死者数で、69%、経済損失で40%に及び、最も脆弱な地域であることを示している。また同時にアジアは、沿岸部への人口の集中とともに、高齢化が特に進んでいる地域でもある(大泉 2007)。これらは、アジアにおける自然災害に対する脆弱性は今後ますます高まると言っても過言ではない。将来気候変動が叫ばれるなか、さらに日本では、南海トラフや首都直下地震、さらには、2016年の熊本地震で示されるように、いつどこで起こってもおかしくない地震をはじめ、ハザードの側面、及び、進む少子高齢化など社会的脆弱性の側面、両面からリスクは増加する傾向にあるといってよい。それらのリスクへの対応としては、ハザードすなわち自然現象に対するアプローチは主に工学や自然科学分野で多くなされているが、社会的脆弱性という意味での少子・高齢化などによるリスクへの影響に関する研究は、今後の災害対策を考えるうえでも益々重要な位置づけとなるだろう。

Day_30: The two main gaps

There are two main gaps among experts, local disaster managers, and local people. The one is a perspective gap, experts usually have a different point of views on the disaster risk reductions based on their specialty. The disaster managers have a management point of views. The local people tend to have the views based on their daily lives.
The other gap is a knowledge gap. Each has a different level of the knowledge. These two gaps keep them from conducting effective disaster risk reduction works in a local community.

Day_27: University roles for disaster risk reduction (2)

Disasters happen in the local areas and local community’s preparedness will be the one of the keys for disaster risk reduction. Therefore, universities should play an important role to raise their preparedness level. There are so many different fields experts at the University. They can contribute to localities from various ways. However, they tend not to understand how. On the other hand, local government disaster managers do not have enough resource to search for the experts and research findings to utilize such precious local knowledge of their work…..

I have been doing this topic for a long time. I will continue……


Day_26 : A text mining : Trends of disaster research on aging

Have just conducted a text mining as follows:

Overviews of the Literatures concerning elderly and disasters by text mining for the initial stage.
1.Search the keywords at Web of Science (Core Collection)
2.Selected Information (Authors, Titles, and Abstracts) was gathered into one text file.
3.1st contents analysis has been carried out and omitted the unnecessary words for the next analysis.
Cleaning process
4.2nd contents analysis has been carried out. >>This process was repeated
5.Research findings are examined.
6.Check the extracted words and phrases by reaching to the original abstracts and original papers.

*5 and 6 are not finished yet.
**To do the textmining, RH corder was used.

The folloing attached file is the results which I can share

Day_25 : 人口と災害 【1】 [Japanese]

人口と災害についてこれまでどのような研究がなされてきたか。まず基本的に災害とは人がいなければ災害にならないという前提を押さえておかなかえればならない。ユネスコの自然災害の定義では、natural hazard とnatural disasterと分けている。すなわち、自然現象と自然災害として分けて説明しているが、例えば、地震が起こってもそこに人がいなければ災害とはならないことからも自明のことであろう。以上を踏まえたうえで、これまでの人口と災害に関する研究について俯瞰すると、大きく社会変動及び指標研究が研究上重要な役割をはたしてきたといえる。
また、2005年のハリケーンカトリーナ災害後は、特に気候変動との関係で語られることが多くなった。 *Bates  **R.Akimoto 適宜追加します。