
Day_12(RE) : University’s roles for disaster risk reduction (1)

I created the link on the institutions related to disaster risk reduction before.
We can see so many universities which have institutions related to disaster risk reductions in the U.S. , especially after the Hurricane Katrina in 2005. After the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, the numbers of Japanese disaster related institutions have also been increasing


Day_45 : IRDR (Integrated Research on Disaster Risk)

I was involved to do research on Japanese tsunami in 2011 as a pat of IRDR (Integrated Research on Disaster Risk) project.The IRDR is an international effort. Especially I was really, really impressed by the sentence raised by ICSU (International Council for Science).

Unfortunately, there is a great shortfall in current research on how science is used to shape social and political decision-making in the context of hazards and disasters. Addressing this problem requires an approach that integrates research and policy-making across all hazards, disciplines and geographic regions. The IRDR Programme endeavours to bring together the natural, socio-economic, health and engineering sciences in a coordinated effort to reduce the risks associated with natural hazards.(http://www.icsu.org/what-we-do/interdisciplinary-bodies/irdr/?icsudocid=about-irdr)

Related links






Day_44 : Disaster related organization’s links

The following site was created long time ago.

However, this links site is still useful to recognized disaster-related organizations.
For example, we can confirm the UN organizations and their structures through this site.
The followings are the explanations.

United Nations (UN) consists of 1)Trusteeship Council, 2) Security Council, 3) General Assembly, 4)Economic and Social Council, 5) International Court of Justice, and 6) Secretariat. The UN recovery efforts for Natural Disaster related councils are mainly found in 3)4)6). UNEP,UNDP,UNICEF, UNHCR, WFP,and UN-HABTAT belong to 3)General Assembly. ILO,FAO, UNESCO,WHO,and WB etc. belong to 4)Economic and Social Council. OCHA belongs to 6) Secretariat.

In addition, we can confirm so many universities in the U.S. have disaster related organizations.

Day_27: University roles for disaster risk reduction (2)

Disasters happen in the local areas, and the local community’s preparedness will be one of the keys to disaster risk reduction. Therefore, universities should play an essential role in raising their preparedness level. There are so many different field experts at the University. They can contribute to localities in various ways. However, they tend not to understand how. On the other hand, local government disaster managers lack the resources to search for experts and research findings to utilize such precious local knowledge in their work.

I have been doing this topic for a long time. I will continue……


Day_12 : University’s roles for disaster risk reduction (1)

I created the link on the institutions related to disaster risk reduction before.
We can see so many universities which have insititutions related to disaster risk reductions in the U.S. especially after the Hurricane Katrina in 2005. After the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, the numbers of Japanese disaster related institutions have been increasing