About this site

This site’s primary goal is to share disaster research ideas, knowledge, and so on to enhance our research activities. Introducing Japanese disaster research is another goal. There are so many advanced disaster-related research and activities in Japan coming from our experience; however, these are only available in Japanese. I will also do research in English and write in Japanese. I hope a Thai-language version will launch in the near future.

I thank Dr.Takeshi Mizutani, a visiting researcher at the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED), for his continuous advice and encouragement. I owe building this site to him. Working with him is the basis for this website’s knowledge.
NIED-DIL Sorry, only the Japanese version is available.

I try to show accurate contents; however, there are always limitations. So please double-check the facts if you do research. Thank you for your visit to the Disaster Research Notes website.

The DRN (Disaster Research Notes) YouTube channel is also open.

Disaster Reseach Notes Youtube Channel