Bangladesh has had a lot of cyclone disasters in the history. Table 1 indicates
the past cyclone disasters. Especially, we can see the 1970 and 1991’s cyclone
disasters are severe and caused many casualties. The bellows are some reviews
of Day_110 contents.
Table 1 Cyclone disasters in Bangladesh
Table 2 picked up two disasters. We can compare the two. What can we say about this? Affected population was tremendously increased from 1970 to 1991. On the contrary,
the dead and missing number was decreasing. How about 1991’s cyclone disaster?
Table 2 1970 and 1991’s cyclone disasters*
Please check the dead and missing number and livestock damage.
You may have a strange feeling. The dead and missing number is
so rough. However, livestock damage number is so precise. This
could reflect the cultural and social backgrounds.
Figure 1 Sandwip Island History
We can consider a caste system somehow to understand the number.
The Brahmaputra river from the east and the Ganges river from the west bring a lot of sand to make lands in the Bay of Bengal. The people had a low status tended to live there actually.
They are easily influenced by the cyclones. In other words, they tended to die by the events.
Figure 1 shows the land, such as a Sandwip island was changing its shape by cyclones.
Figure 2 1970 and 1991 cyclones
Figure 2 indicates the shelter which was built after the 1970’s cyclone (with JICA’s scheme)
saved a lot of people’s lives. However, there were some cultural issues. For example, the shelter’s number was limited, so it was crowded in the shelter. This situation made females difficult to evacuate to the shelter. They tended to avoid to stay with males in the crowded situation. The livestocks are treated as their important assets. This also reflects their culture.
The one of the research findings after the 1970’s cyclone show the 38% of the survivors were survived by climbing trees (Figure 3).
Figure 3 A shelter and a people climbing the tree
* The sources(Figures) will be added later.