Day_32: Disaster Chronology and Typhoon Isewan (Typhoon Vera)

A disaster chronology will be shown in this blog. The chronology can be said basic research for social science.  The environmental sociology in Japan was polished by the chronology. Our research laboratory was very famous in this field. The NIED (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention) has created a short disaster chronology and conducted some memorial events. The Typhoon Isewan (1959) related event was held in 2009. The following site is the information about the event. Sorry, this is only in Japanese, however, so many precious pictures and movies are uploaded, so you can easily check the contents. A Japanese disaster history after the Second World War including the Typhoon Isewan disaster is explained below:

Typhoon Isewan <Typhoon Vera> (Wikipedia)

The event site:

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