Day_128 : World Disaster Chronology-1992-93

Date Place Disaster Type Situations
1992.01- Bangladesh Cold Wave Over130(DM)
1992.02.01 Turkey Avalanche Over 300(DM)
1992.03.13 Turkey, Northeastern Inland Earthquake M6.8, 1992 Erzincan earthquake *, 500(DM)
1992.03- Brazil Landslide 150(DM)
1992.07- China Heavy Rain, Flood Over 1,000 (DM)
1992.08.19 Kyrgyzstan Inland Earthquake M7.4, Over75(DM)
1992.08- US, Southeastern Typhoon, Flood Hurricane Andrew, Over 35(DM)
1992.09.02 Nicaragua Submarine Earthquake M7.2, Over110(DM), Tsunami
1992.09- Afganistan Heavy Rain, Flood Over 3,000(DM)
1992.09- Pakistan Heavy Rain, Flood Over 1,600(DM)
1992 Africa, Southeastern Drought Over ten million people are affected. Several million people were reported dead by hunger starvation.
1992.09- France, South Heavy Rain, Flood Over 110 (DM)
1992.10.12 Egypt, North Inland Earthquake 1992 Cairo earthquake, M5.9, Over 550(DM), Panics in the capital city
1992.11- India Heavy Rain, Flood Over 230(DM)
1992.12- Bolivia Landslide Several hundreds (DM)
1992.12.12 Indonesia, East Submarine Earthquake 1992 Flores earthquake, M7.5-7.7, Over 2,500(DM), TsunamiHeight 25m
1993.04-10 Great Flood of 1993 US, Midwest 32(D),Property damage 15-20 billion USD
1993.07.12 Japan, Hokkaido (Okushiri Island) Submarine Earthquake Hokkaido Nansei Oki Earthquake**, M7.8, 230(DM), TsunamiMax Height 32m
1993.08- Japan,  Kagoshima Heavy Rain, Flood 1993 Kagoshima Heavy Rain, 79(DM), Injured over150,Destroyed approx.800, Inundation over 21,000
1993.09- Japan Typhoon, Flood 48(DM), Injured260, Destroyed approx.1,800, Inundation over 10,000
1993.09.30 India, South Inland Earthquake 1993 Latur earthquake, M6.2, 7600-9,800DM
1993.10.13 Papua New Guinea Inland Earthquake M7.0, Over60(DM), Landslide

DM: The number of Dead and Missing

* 1992 Erzincan earthquake

** Okushiri Island
