risk assesment」タグアーカイブ

Day_93: Natural disasters in Thailand – National Disaster Risk Assessement Mapping

Day_18 mentioned, “More must be done to fight climate change” (Bangkok Post)


The national risk assessment mapping in Thailand is briefly explained below.

Table 1  Disaster data in Thailand
The target period of these EM-DAT data is from 1900 to 2014. However, the large numbers of deaths, affected people, and damage costs caused by natural disasters are all after the 1970s, as shown in Table 1. The data clarify that the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and the 2011 Chao Phraya River flood disasters have been very influential in Thailand.

Figure 1 National Risk Assessment Mapping in Thailand

Figure 1 was created using EM-DAT data from Thailand (1900-2014). This risk assessment mapping (Frequency-Impact by each damage type) is very simple, but it allows us to easily grasp the whole picture of the risks.

The following risk matrix options help evaluate each risk.
Figure 2 Risk matrix options (1)

Figure 3 Risk matrix options (2)

From Figure 1, it is clear that the flood is the disaster that requires the most countermeasures in Thailand. Figures 2 and 3, for example, show that extensive management and monitoring are essential, and immediate action must be taken against the floods.

The above explanations are very rough. Detailed descriptions will be discussed later.

The above was already published with explanations as a report for the Japanese Association for Earthquake and Engineering (JAEE).