
Day_55 : Tsunami Surveys in Hawaii

After the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004, we started collecting information on the tide gauge records around the Indian Ocean. In 2008, we also discussed the emergency management aspects for future possible tsunamis in the Indian Ocean at Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC)*, International Tsunami Information Center**(ITIC), and Univ. of Hawaii Sea Level Center(UHSLC)***.

*Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
We can confirm the present tsunami warning information.
The PTWC is the world’s core center for tsunami warnings.
As you may know, the tsunami is a Japanese word. The name comes from the Hiro village (many Japanese settlers lived there) in Hawaii, severely affected by the tsunami in 1968. The villagers called the wave “Tsunami.”


**International Tsunami Information Center
They have important historical tide gauge records.

***University of Hawaii Sea Level Center
We can confirm the sea level is rising around the globe.


The famous Hitachi company’s symbol image tree in Hawaii was found.
